Deutscher Suchtkongress
Bd. 1 Nr. 1 (2023): Deutscher Suchtkongress

Symposium on role of Social Work in treatment of drug use disorders by research network of Universities in Germany, Central Asia and China (SOLID) (S21)

Case study as a technology of social work in the field of addiction in Kazakhstan, on the example of primary health care organization

Hauptsächlicher Artikelinhalt

Sandugash Ismagulova (L. N. Gumilev Eurasian National University, Astana, Kasachstan)


Hintergrund und Fragestellung
Today in all over the world and in Kazakhstan including, there is an acute need for social support of persons with addictive behavior, leading to an increase the number of social orphanhood, divorces, suicides and other socially significant problems. This work considers one of the solution methods – the use of case management technology in the process of working with people with addictive behavior.

This work presents an example of the social support of a family with addiction through the steps of case management using methods, such as primary and in-depth assessment, drawing up an individual plan, resource mapping and others.

The assessment methods used allowed us to understand and determine the basic needs of the child and the family, the potential of parents, the resources of the family, and also helped us to build an individual family development plan. As a result of work to accompany the family, in a situation where the mother suffers from alcohol addiction, there is a progress in the social inclusion of the family in society. The mother, who practically lost everything: her job, her family and her children, got back on her feet thanks to clinical social work.

Diskussion und Schlussfolgerung
Objective factors such as the lack of a sufficient number of high-level specialists at the level of professional activity, practice and academic discipline make themselves felt at the modern stage of its development. Since the case management technology allows us to look inside the family, try to understand the problems of the family associated with addictive behavior, conduct an in-depth assessment of the needs of the child and the well-being of parents, then it is very relevant due to the numerous problems associated with addiction among residents of modern cities and villages of Kazakhstan.

Offenlegung von Interessenskonflikten sowie Förderungen
Ich und die Koautorinnen und Koautoren erklären, dass während der letzten 3 Jahre keine wirtschaftlichen Vorteile oder persönlichen Verbindungen bestanden, die die Arbeit zum eingereichten Abstract beeinflusst haben könnten.

Erklärung zur Finanzierung: SOLID project



Ismagulova, S. (2023). Case study as a technology of social work in the field of addiction in Kazakhstan, on the example of primary health care organization. Deutscher Suchtkongress, 1(1).