Modelling and control
Control of the fraction of inspiratory oxygen of a decentralized breathing gas source
Modelling and control, 725
Input trajectory transfer in heterogeneous dynamic systems for muscular stimulation
Modelling and control, 766
Evaluation of high compliant elastomer balloons for the identification of artery biomechanics
Modelling and control, 764
Simulation of the Respiratory CO2 Concentration with a Blower-Based Lung Simulator
Modelling and control, 726
Modelling the Hepatic Glucose Production in Type 1 Diabetes during Aerobic Exercise
Modelling and control, 750
Accurate and agile control of a pneumatic robotic actuator by GP-based feedforward learning
Modelling and control, 753
Improving sleep through closed-loop autotuning of a robotic bed using Gaussian processes
Modelling and control, 722
Automation in lung support and ventilation
A lung model considering age, sex and height: an in-silico study - lung mechanics
Automation in lung support and ventilation, 732
Changes of human trunk circumferences during different breathing styles in different positions
Automation in lung support and ventilation, 737
A simple mathematical lung model of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Automation in lung support and ventilation, 723
A lung model considering age, sex and height: an in-silico study - gas exchange
Automation in lung support and ventilation, 733
Influence of hyperparameter on the redistribution index in an electrical impedance tomography algorithm Using discrete cosine transformation
Automation in lung support and ventilation, 760
Measurement technology and diagnostics
RNN-based State and Parameter Estimation for Sparse Magnetometer-free Inertial Motion Tracking
Measurement technology and diagnostics, 745
Early Detection of Breast Cancer Using Microwave Imaging
Measurement technology and diagnostics, 761
ICL-QEPAS sensor for the detection and monitoring of respiratory components
Measurement technology and diagnostics, 773
Estimation of ventricular volume changes for hydrocephalus treatment
Measurement technology and diagnostics, 738
ASMO: a decentralized and verifiable interoperability platform in intensive care
Measurement technology and diagnostics, 724
Quality of stereo matching with structured light in dependence of projecting light sources
Measurement technology and diagnostics, 748
Signal separation in electrical impedance tomography: Applying harmonic analysis on simulated voltage data
Measurement technology and diagnostics, 758
Sensor selection for tidal volume determination via regression – proof of methodology
Measurement technology and diagnostics, 734
EMG based muscle fatigue detection using autocorrelation and k-means clustering
Measurement technology and diagnostics, 739
Rehabilitation technology
Machine-learning based evaluation of mechanic muscle responses elicited by tSCS
Rehabilitation technology, 729
Machine learning-based assistance for electrode position validation in tSCS
Rehabilitation technology, 735
Gait Stability Assessment within a Patient-Cooperative Lower Limb Exoskeleton
Rehabilitation technology, 715
Training for a running competition with a wearable robot - a patient's journey
Rehabilitation technology, 736
General procedures and methods
A single-hidden-layer neural network for the classification of spike-waveforms
General procedures and methods, 747
On the impact of feature reduction on leave-one-subject-out cross-validation
General procedures and methods, 718
Applications in medicine
Evaluation of Fitts Law for Touch Screen Human-Computer Interface: One and Two Dimensions
Applications in medicine, 716
Implementation of ResNet-50 for the Detection of ARDS in Chest X-Rays using transfer-learning
Applications in medicine, 742
A deep learning based instrument detection approach for automated surgical systems
Applications in medicine, 749
Modelling tools and modelling concepts
Dynamic emotion recognition using histogram of oriented gradients
Modelling tools and modelling concepts, 751
Parameter identification of a model describing the blood glucose metabolism using clinical data
Modelling tools and modelling concepts, 756
Fusing CNN features to improve generalisability for surgical tool classification
Modelling tools and modelling concepts, 757
Development of a bellow-based test lung for spontaneous breathing
Modelling tools and modelling concepts, 730
Dependency on thermal and electrical conductivity in monopolar coagulation
Modelling tools and modelling concepts, 765