Transactions on Additive Manufacturing Meets Medicine
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): Trans. AMMM

Scaffolds, Implants and Drug Delivery Systems

Utilization of cryogenic temperatures to reduce line width variability in 3D bioprinted hydrogel lattices

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Linnea Warburton (University of Maryland, College Park), Catherine Liu (University of Maryland, College Park), Kunal Dharmadhikari (University of Maryland, College Park), Pavan Vemulakonda (University of Maryland, College Park), Yahya Cheema (University of Maryland, College Park), Neal Kewelramani (University of Maryland, College Park), Danielle Sidelnikov (University of Maryland, College Park), Kevin Aroom (University of Maryland, College Park), Lester Schultheis (University of Maryland, College Park)


The 3D bioprinting of acellular hydrogel scaffolds holds enormous potential for wound healing and the regeneration of tissue. The precision of hydrogel scaffolds is limited by the diffusion and fusion of soft hydrogels during the printing process. The use of cryogenic temperatures may reduce the unequal diffusion of 3D printed hydrogel and thus protect pore morphology. Our results suggest that hydrogel lattices printed at cryogenic temperatures display less variation in line width along the length of the printed segments as well as sharper outer corners.

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How to Cite

Warburton, L., Liu, C., Dharmadhikari, K., Vemulakonda, P., Cheema, Y., Kewelramani, N., … Schultheis, L. (2019). Utilization of cryogenic temperatures to reduce line width variability in 3D bioprinted hydrogel lattices. Transactions on Additive Manufacturing Meets Medicine, 1(1).